Track IP of Email U goT

Your mail box may be receiving lots of mails everyday..
Spam mails are one of a major portion of mails u got.U can simply ignore advertising or business mails u got.

But u may sometimes get private mails. You may sometime wish to get the details of mail u got.Only investigating agencies or other authorities can get details in deep. But u maynot be able to approach them everytime.

Then this is for u.
This is a tip to track the ip address of sender from which u got the mail.You may know that IP is the real identity of a person in this online world.
From the IP u can grab the details of the sender.But remember that you will not receive information about the sender in deep.
But sometimes the little will matter!!

Here we go..
Open the mail u got.
In the header of the mail, u can see the IP of the sender.Place it in , that's it.U get the information about the sender just with a click.

Not able to find the ip of sender from mail header? No problem...
Copy the whole thing in header and paste it in It will automatically decode the IP and thus shows the information about the sender ... !!

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